Events in the Classroom


Events in the classroom throughout the year!


Your child can earn student of the week for their fabulous behavior in the classroom! As a classroom we would like to learn more about our “student of the week”. Please take the time with your child to fill out the poster that will be sent home on a Friday. Encourage your child to illustrate and design their poster. Please bring in the poster on Monday. All items will be returned to you the following week. Also, please have your child bring in a special treat for that Friday,to share with the class. Thank you so much for all your continuing support! I am looking forward to choosing my student of the week!!!

    “Show an d Tell Day” 

Friday is “Show and Tell” day!! Your child may bring in one item to share with the class on this day. Please make sure that this special item fits into your child’s backpack and can be taken out and put away easily. Please do not have your little one bring toys on any other day. Thanks so much for your help!   


"Snack Note"

In Kindergarten we will have snacks daily. It is essential to ensure that the kiddo’s energy level is at the max! Proper nutrition is a key factor in the learning process so snacks should be healthy. You may send a snack in with your child daily or you may send a snack for your child that he/she can share in the classroom. Once again thanks for all your cooperation!

Some snack suggestions:


Goldfish crackers

Graham crackers


Celery sticks

Carrot sticks

Animal crackers